
Knowledge base

Adding assets to a collection

Adding assets to a collection allows you to combine a group og assets together and get access to a set of options for what you want to do with these assets. If you would like to read more about the options available for the collection, click here.

In order to add assets to a collection, follow these steps:

  1. Make a selection of assets you want to add to a collection
  2. Drag the selection to the folder icon in the corner to quickly open the Collections overview
  3. Drop the assets into an existing collection in the bar below
  4. You have now added the assets to an existing collection

If you cannot see any collections when you click and drag the assets, you will have to create a new one. To learn how to create new collection, click here.


Knowledge base

Options within collections

Collections offer many different functions that allows you to perform certain actions with a set of pre-selected assets.

General options inside the collection
  • Name: The name of the collection you entered is displayed in the search field
  • Status: The status of the asset will show as a label. A collection can hold assets with all statuses, so this indication is useful to see if some asset are only submitter or deleted
  • Show collections: Show all collections available to you
Options when one or more assets has been selected
  • Select assets: Make a selection of assets
  • Options: Show the options for the assets selected
  • Details: Access the details menu of the assets selected
  • Edit: Edit the assets selected
  • Remove from collection: Remove the selected assets from the collection
  • Delete: Change the status of the assets selected to deleted


Knowledge base

Sharing a collection

You can share collections both internally or externally. Before you can share a collection, ensure you have both created a collection to share and added assets to it.

Share collection internally

In order to share internally, click on the three dots (options) above the collection and select share internal. This will generate a sharing link to the collection that you can send to another user. In terms of why it is called an ‘internal sharing’ is because this link will require login to the system.

Share collection externally

When selecting to share externally you can either send an e-mail directly from the system, or you can grab a sharing link for pasting online, in personal e-mail or other service.

  • Email: The e-mail of the recipient.
  • Subject: Subject of e-mail.
  • Message: Message added to e-mail.
  • Additional options: Collection name: Give the external collection its own name. Expiration: Set an expiration date for the external sharing link.
  • Send: The send button becomes active when you have entered an e-mail and a subject. The e-mail will include a sharing link to the collection.
  • Generate share link: Generate an external share link to the collection to use where fit.


Knowledge base

Creating a new collection

Collections allow you to create collections of assets and share those with others. Before you can add assets to a specific collection you need to ensure that you have created a collection. To create a new collection, follow these steps:

  1. Click create a new collection and a new window will appear. Here is an explanation to every field in this window
  • Name: Give the collection a recognisable name.
  • Description: Give the collection a description of its contents
  • Usage in templates (optional): Option for showing collection in Papirfly legacy template technology. (Not relevant for new customers)
  • Visible in plugins (optional): Make the collection visible in Papirfly legacy Plugin modules. (Not relevant for new customers
  • Visible for all (optional): Make the collection show up in all Place users menu. Use this for collaboration of assets
  • Available from (optional): Set a start date for when the collection is visible in the archive
  • Available until (optional): Set an end date for when the collection is visible in the archive
  • Create: Saves and creates the new collection