
Knowledge base

Produce launcher overview

The launcher provides you with the possibility of creating material as well as finding already created material. Here is a list of the buttons/functions within the Produce launcher 

Tabs in the top left corner:
  • Home: This is the main page of Produce. A combination between the pages for templates and documents. 
  • Templates: On this page you can see all the different templates available to you. Clicking on the templates opens the editor which allows you to create your own material.
  • Documents: This page contains all the documents that have been generated through templates. 
  • New document: Allows you you easily start creating a new document from the most popular templates
  • Information button: Display some quick information about the template
Latest documents and list of all documents:
  • Show all: Choose if you would like to see all documents or only documents created by you, shared with you or by a specific user
  • Name: Name of the document
  • Status: Current status of the document
  • Type: Type of document. Print, Graphic, video and other types. 
  • Size: Size of the document in megabytes and number of pages
  • Last edited: Date of when the document was last edited
  • Created by: The name of the user that created the document
  • Actions: Actions that you can do with the document. The pen allows you to continue editing and the three dots lets you preview, download or delete the document.
Symbols in the list of all documents: 
  • Exclamation mark (warning): Lets you know that there is an issue within the document that needs to be fixed. Open the document in the editor to fix the issue. 
  • Pen symbol: Click this symbol to open the document in the editor to continue editing it
  • Three jumping dots: If the document has three jumping dots right next to the thumbnail of the document, it means someone is currently editing the document in the editor

Symbol if someone is currently editing the document:


Knowledge base

Editing an existing document

Editing a previously created document allows you to make changes to your document without having to start from scratch.

To edit an existing document, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Produce, which will take you to the Produce front page, also called the launcher
  2. Locate the document you would like to edit and click on the pen icon. This opens the editor, allowing you to edit the document.
  3. Make your changes and ensure to save the work by clicking on the floppy disk icon in the upper right corner
  4. Your document, with the changes, can be found at the top of the overview of all previously created documents on the launcher page


Knowledge base

Creating a new document 

Produce allows you to create your own material without any previous experience using production or editing softwares. The templates have all of your brands logos, colours, fonts and more already added in order to give you the best creative experience.

To create a new document, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Produce, which will take you to the Produce front page, also called the launcher
  2. Click on the template that you would like to use to start creating your  own document
  3. In the editor, make your changes and ensure there are no errors within the document
  4. When you are done editing, click on the disc icon in the upper right corner and you will have two options for saving your work:
    • Save: Allows you to save your current changes, but continue working
    • Save & close: Saves the document and closes the editor
  5. As soon as you have saved your work it will generate a final output file depending on the type of template you were using; PDF, graphic, video or other formats
  6. You are able to find the generated material in the list of previously created documents further down on the same page in produce
  • The screenshot above shows where you are able to find templates that you can use for creating your own material.