
Knowledge base

Using the date range function

To use the date range functionality, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Co-op projects overview
  2. In the top right corner, click on the button that says date range and a new window will open
  3. In this window you can select between two option on how to select a date range:
    1. Calendar – Allows you to select specific dates, for example 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2023
    2. Dynamic – Allows you to select between a set of predefined date ranges, such as today, end of this month or even 6 months back/forward
  4. As soon as you have selected a date range, the co-op projects overview will adjust accordingly and only show projects that are within the date range
  5. To quickly reset back to default setting, click on the button that says clear at the top right of the window (above dynamic)
  6. You have now learnt how to adjust the date using the date range function