
Knowledge base

Removing Place assets from an Approval project

As an Approval Initiator, you are able to delete Place assets from specific Approval projects.

This us useful in cases where assets have been uploaded by mistake and needs to be removed. This functionality allows you to remove any unwanted assets quickly, preventing the asset from being included in any approval workflows.

To delete an asset from a specific Approval project, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the asset within Approval projects
  2. To the far right of the asset, click on the three dots
  3. Select Delete from the drop-down menu and a new window will open
  1. In this window, enter a reason as to why the asset is being deleted in the text field
  2. Click on Delete
  3. The asset has now been removed


Knowledge base

Finding material that has been approved

Material that needs to be approved will always be located inside Place (assets), but it will only be visible for the initiator (uploader). As soon as material has been approved, it will show up in Place (assets) for the other users that have access to this area.

This way you are able to be in control of the material that is available to other users. 


Knowledge base

Changing/fixing material that requires to be changed

Please note that changing/fixing material under approval projects can only be done by a user with initiator user rights. 

Changing/fixing material that requires to be changed is split into Creative material and Place (assets) material.

Creative material: 

  1. In the email warning, there is a link you can click on that will take you directly to the material that needs to be changed. Click on this link.
  2. When you are viewing the creative material, have a look at the right hand sidebar and the comment that has been made for the change that needs to be done
  3. Then, open the editor and make a new version of the creative material with the requested changes made by the reviewer. The reviewer/s will be notified that the material has been changed/fixed. 
  4. The material will be approved when there are no more errors that needs to be changed

Place (assets) material:

If your material needs to be changed you will receive an email to inform you. Follow these steps to amend the changes: 

  1. In the email warning, there is a link you can click on that will take you directly to the material that needs to be changed. Click on this link.
  2. When you are viewing the material, have a look at the right hand sidebar and the comment that has been made for the change that needs to be done
  3. In the top panel, click on the button called ‘upload new version’. 
  4. Upload the material with the requested changes and the reviewer/s will be notified that the material has been changed/fixed. 
  5. The material will be approved when there are no more errors that needs to be changed


Knowledge base

How to require material to be changed by the initiator

Please note that you need to have reviewer access rights to do this. To approve/reject material, follow these steps: 

  1. Locate the specific approval project you would like to approve material for
  2. Click on the project and a list of all the material in due for approval under this project will appear
  3. On this page, locate the material you would like to approve/reject from the overview list on the left-hand sidebar and click on it
  4. As you are previewing the material in the middle of the page, click on the drop-down box in the upper right corner that says ‘pending review
  5. In this drop-down box, select either ‘approve’ or ‘reject’ depending on the situation
  6. You have now either approved or rejected the material
  7. You can continue approving/rejecting other material by using the navigation bar to the left to select other material


Knowledge base

How to make a comment on material

Note that reviewing approval projects can only be done by a user with reviewing user rights. 

Giving feedback on material uploaded to the approval project is an important part of ensuring quality material is created for the projects. To give feedback on specific material, follow these steps: 

  1. Locate the specific approval project you would like to approve material for
  2. Click on the project and a new page will open
  3. On this page, locate the material you would like to approve/reject from the overview list on the left-hand sidebar and click on it
  4. As you are previewing the material in the middle of the page, go to the bottom right hand side of the right hand sidebar and look for the commenting field
  5. In the commenting field, type in your comment and press ‘comment’ to add your comment to the material
    • Tip: By clicking on the ‘pin’ icon you are able to put a marker directly onto the material to let the initiator know where the error/problem is


Knowledge base

How to approve/reject material

Please note that you need to have reviewer access rights to do this. To approve/reject material, follow these steps: 

  1. Locate the specific approval project you would like to approve material for
  2. Click on the project and a list of all the material in due for approval under this project will appear
  3. On this page, locate the material you would like to approve/reject from the overview list on the left-hand sidebar and click on it
  4. As you are previewing the material in the middle of the page, click on the drop-down box in the upper right corner that says Pending review
  5. In this drop-down box, select either Approve or Reject depending on the situation
  6. You have now either approved or rejected the material
  7. You can continue approving/rejecting other material by using the navigation bar to the left to select other material


Knowledge base

Creating a new approval project

Note that creating new approval projects can only be done by a user with administrator user rights. 

Approval projects go hand in hand with Co-op projects. As soon as material is approved in an approval project, it will appear in the Co-op project. To create a new approval project, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Approval project overview
  2. Click on + Create new in the view in the right hand top corner and a new window will appear.
  3. Select the type of material in the drop-down box to be able to browse specific files that you want to have approved.
    • Web ad
    • Print
    • Video
    • Image
  4. Depending on which type of material you have selected, browse and find the files you want to have approved in the list in the middle of the window.
  5. When you find the material you want to have approved, click Add + until all your desired material has been added to the project
  6. Give the project a name, response time and country belonging
  7. Click Create project
  8. You have now created an approval project


Knowledge base

Overview of the Approval projects page

Approval projects offer an overview of all projects that are currently being worked on and are in the process of being either approved or rejected. On the first page there are several buttons and functions:

  • Creatives Approvals: All approval projects related to created material, such as material created within Produce
  • Place Approvals: All projects related to asset material. Having this material approved will add the material to Place afterwards.
  • List: A list view of all the approval projects
  • Activity: Activity log of all the approval projects
  • Filtering: Filter options for which approval projects to show
  • Search: Search option for finding approval projects in the list below
  • All creatives: Filtering option for selecting which approval projects you would like to see in the list below. Sort by status.
  • Creative name: Sort by name of the project
  • Status: Sort by status of the project
  • Due date: Sort by due date of the project
  • Created date: Sort by when the project was created
  • Requested by: Sort by the name of the requester
  • Reviews: Sort by the name of the first reviewer
  • Change page: Option to change to the next page to be able to see more approval projects


Knowledge base

Main users/roles for Approval projects

There are different user groups with different roles under approval projects. Here is an explanation for each of them: 

  • Administrator: can see all projects, and can create new projects. Can add reviewers into projects.
  • Initiator: Can only initiate approval loops by creating a new template creative or uploading a new ‘Place’ asset. Can only update new versions on his/her previously initiated creatives and assets.
  • Reviewer: Can only see projects where he/she was added by the administrator. Can comment and annotate both creatives and assets. Can send the creative/asset back to rework if changes are needed, can reject or approve material.


Knowledge base

Types of Approval projects

There are two types of approval projects, creative approvals and Place (assets) approvals. Here is an explanation to each of them: 

  • Creative approvals – Approval of produce templates. You initiate the approval loop directly from the templates.
  • Place (assets) approvals – Approval of Place (assets) assets. You can upload assets as an Initiator directly in the Approval project. If so, then the asset is sent for approval and waits for the reviewer.