Inriver integration

Unleash the power of Inriver

Integrate your Inriver Product Information Management system with Place for streamlined asset management that keeps product information and product images in sync

Identify assets faster

Locally stored assets make it easier to find relevant images by searching for specific product details

Two way integration

Large product portfolios can be managed in your PIM system and automatically updated in your DAM

Simple asset control

Set pre-defined assets sizes and lock field permissions to guarantee data hygiene and asset control

Add images to your PIM system

The two-way Inriver integration ensures product information and product images are associated and accessible using the asset ID.

Whenever a resource entity is created or updated, if the asset exists in Place the relevant image will be downloaded, stored locally in Inriver and attached to the resource entity.

Asset meta data is up-to-date. Always.

Update Product Information in Place automatically through the integration when updating information in InRiver.

Choose the fields that are relevant to your business to map from Place to Inriver.

Lock Place fields so that they cannot be amended when integrated with your PIM. Product information is managed from your PIM system with full control of user access.

Integrate at scale

Leverage the power of Place to maximise the efficiency of your PIM system. Link all relevant PIM assets once the integration is activated, ensuring your users feel the benefit immediately.

Ready to empower your PIM system?